Fort Leadership and Sales

Consulting Clients

Fort Leadership and Sales Consulting’s clients are typically individuals who are seeking to enhance their leadership skills, organizations that want to improve their corporate culture, and businesses looking to drive teamwork and growth while increasing employee engagement and retention.

Fort Leadership’s clients are executives and leaders of organizations, such as CEOs, presidents, and vice presidents. These individuals are responsible for leading teams and creating a corporate culture that inspires, motivates, and engages every member of the team. They seek Fort Leadership’s Certified John Maxwell curriculum to enhance their leadership skills, learn new management techniques, and gain insights into effective communication, delegation, and teamwork.

Entrepreneurs and business owners look to Fort Leadership and Sales Consulting to increase employee engagement and drive business development through Consultative Sales training. In addition, they seek training to develop the leadership talent in the organization, creating an inspired and purpose – driven organization resulting in improved Customer Experience.

Individuals who are aspiring to be leaders or are already in leadership roles also seek Fort Leadership’s training services. They are interested in learning how to lead with integrity, communicate effectively, build and sustain relationships, and inspire their team members to achieve their goals.

In addition, Fort Leadership’s clients also include educators, local government officials, and nonprofit organizations. These individuals seek guidance to improve their leadership skills and develop effective strategies to drive change in their respective areas of service.

Fort Leadership’s clients are diverse and range from top level executives to aspiring leaders, entrepreneurs, educators and government officials. They seek Certified John Maxwell Leadership training to enhance their leadership skills, improve their organizations, and grow their businesses.

Fort provides Leadership Training for

Who We Serve

Members of the Executive Leadership Team know that it is their responsibility to create a healthy corporate culture that inspires, motivates, and engages every member of the organization.

The Problem:

The members of the Executive Leadership Team don’t exactly get along in a deep and meaningful way. They don’t see eye to eye on leadership principles and perspectives. There is a lack of trust. If they don’t get along with each other, how can they be expected to create a healthy corporate culture where members of the organization get along with each other?

The Solution:

Invest the time to have your Executive Leadership Team sit down at a board table to discuss leadership principles and perspectives. Discussion around an organized John Maxwell Leadership curriculum will result in a more cohesive executive leadership team. Your Executive Leadership Team will come away equipped to create a healthy corporate culture that team members find inspiring and engaging!

HR professionals know that people are a company’s greatest asset!

The Problem:

In this post-COVID world, engaging and retaining top performers can be a real challenge. Those that wish to work remotely instead of coming back into the office further complicate the matter. Morale tends to suffer, and people leave the organization. A short employee life cycle (turnover) is a symptom of an unhealthy corporate culture. Recruiting and onboarding new employees is expensive.

The Solution:

Invest in the asset. Invest in your people. Investing in a professional growth and leadership development program for the people in your organization is almost always less expensive than recruiting and onboarding even just one employee. In addition, your employees come away feeling valued, purposeful, and impactful. By investing in a leadership development program, you are equipping your people to drive purpose, passion, and performance.

Management knows that Teamwork is the ultimate competitive advantage.

The Problem:

Lack of teamwork. If teamwork is so powerful, why is it so rare? The answer, because people are human. Oftentimes, their knowledge and abilities to do the job are fine; it is their inability to get along with their team members that undermines team performance. The soft skills are lacking. On top of that, the complexities created by four different generations of people tasked to work together in the organization. Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y (Millennials), and Gen Z all have different perspectives, expectations, and interpersonal skills at the workplace.

The Solution:

Management must bring the team together, face to face, and engage in a communication and teamwork curriculum that improves the soft skills like trust, conflict resolution, commitment, and accountability. If you want to harness the power of teamwork you must equip your team with the soft skills to succeed!

It has been said that Sales is the highest paid hard work and the lowest paid easy work.

The highest earners in any sales organization are those sales professionals that have the most influence with clients. But how does somebody increase their influence with clients? Most corporate sales training organizations focus almost entirely on product knowledge with almost no focus on increasing the sales professional’s influence.

Product knowledge is not influence. Influence is based on the sales professional’s ability to establish trust with the client. Afterall, clients buy from people they know, like, and trust. Professional Sales Training increases the ability of the Sales Professional to have influence with the client in a relationship based on mutual trust and respect.

If you want to equip your Professional Sales Organization with the power to influence clients, you must invest in Leadership Development. Because as Dr. John C. Maxwell says, Leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less!

Andy spent 33 years of his professional life in healthcare, specifically in the specialty of orthopedics. He knows that most healthcare professionals find caring for the sick to be a calling. Andy knows he did.

Having “a patient on the table” requires additional compassion, additional empathy, and additional respect for human life. Healthcare has never been more important in our country than it is today. The population is aging. The post-COVID world finds itself with fewer healthcare professionals taking care of more and sicker patients. Burnout is running rampant. To meet the patient’s demands is going to require increased leadership development throughout the healthcare community.

Now is the time to invest in leadership development for healthcare professionals!


What our clients say

Fort Leadership’s training of Maxwell’s 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth was inspirational to the JAKTOOL Family. Not only did Andy’s lessons help guide the trajectory of the organization but they became the seeds for JAKTOOL’s core values.
Jeff Kinsberg, Founder and Visionary, JAKTOOL
Andy’s Consultative Sales Curriculum is a great introduction to self-reflection and awareness that is the foundation for great relationships. Andy’s love for others and their success is infectious and radiates throughout his course and coaching.
Chris Gandy, Director of Business Development, JAKTOOL
Hi Andy! Many thanks for your amazing presentation last night. Your presentation was the BEST I have ever attended since joining the program. Thank you for so generously sharing your stories and wonderful "character" lessons. Grateful for you and the message!
Kim J., Senior Consultant, Deloitte
Although a little biased, anyone that he gets a chance to build relationships with is beyond blessed to receive his gift.
Mallory Kalajian (Andy’s Daughter) High Commission Clothier
Anybody that is going to hear Andy Kalajian will come out feeling really good.
Paula Fine, Senior Living Consultant
You're gonna have fun and he's going to make you laugh. He's gonna bring energy and he's gonna give your team something they can act upon right away.
Bruce Pulver, Author, Healthcare Marketing
Andy really makes you think hard about who you are.
Mary Miller Fazio, Financial Planner
Beyond just networking, he talked a lot about character!
Anthony Chen, Financial Planner
Incredible information, very positive, very encouraging.
Dr. John Webster, Chiropractor
A servant leader, very genuine in his approach.
Ed Rodriquez, Financial Services Professional
When I think of Andy, I think of the word energy!
Elaine Harris, Business Development
Andy- the Team loved having you. Multiple buyers have picked up books you recommended. Great Job!
Paul B., President, Industrial Equipment Manufacturing Company
Thank you Andy for you're passionate and energetic presentation. It has a lasting effect on me. I will definitely look into this list. Thank you. Thank you,
Adam D., Regional Buyer
Enjoyed your energy, your presentation, and talking with you a few months ago as well as this week.
Jeff C., Industrial Equipment Business Development
Andy, Your class was outstanding. I'm grateful I was able to attend and my mindset on my career transition got a major boost from having done so. I'm excited to apply the things I learned going forward and starting today. I'd love to get more of your insight, if and when it's convenient to you, on a short 10 minute call or over a cup of coffee sometime. Thank you again!
Brendan W., Mortgage Underwriter
Hi Andy, it was such a pleasure meeting you and hearing your amazing presentation! I loved it and really am a big believer in the power of manifestation and feeding our mind healthy thoughts. Thanks again and hope to see you around in Alpharetta!
Natalie S., Director Business Development, Banker
Your session was great.
Ilene S., Assistant Director, EY Consulting
It was more helpful than I can express, thank you! I look forward to connecting
Cheston B., Cyber Security
I attended your workshop yesterday at RUMC. Thank you for serving in such way, all the information, and encouragement. Great stories are hard to forget:) Yes, I plan on attending RUMC again. Enjoy the rest of your week Andy. With gratitude : )
Rosa G., Internal Revenue Service
Thanks so much for connecting with me! Thanks for ALL the GREAT information you shared last night! I was thrilled to already apply some of the information that you shared tonight!
Larry W., Banking
Thank you Andy for the great message! I truly enjoyed it! The recording you took, was that a sharable audio? Some of your teachings I feel my husband could benefit from hearing. I took lots of notes but its not the same. You will see me again. Thank you for sharing your story with us!
Ashley B., Creative Designer
Andy, Thank you for your time and the great content. I look forward to fostering our connection.
Thanks! Roman, VP Sales Operations
Hi, Andy- Excellent presentation!
B. Ford, Capital Partners
You message was very inspirational for my career transition. Thank you for taking time to share.
Roger R., IT Project Manager
Hi Andy! Thank you so much for taking the time to speak at RUMC on Monday night. I enjoyed your workshop and learned a few things that will help me in my search.
Doug O., IT Business Analysis Manager
Thanks Andy. That was a very powerful presentation and your message was spot on. I am reviewing the notes I took.
Joe C., Plant Manager
Andy, great meeting you today at RUMC. Really appreciate your energy and positive message. Let’s connect and continue the conversation! Cheers,
Juan C., Marketing Manager
Hi Andy, I was in your class at RUMC yesterday. I thought you were awesome! I would love to connect with you.
Susan B., Regional Sales Manager, SaaS
Hi Andy, It was such a pleasure meeting you today! I really enjoyed our time together and connecting. Your experiences and insights were fun to learn about and resonated with me. Thanks for your helpful suggestion regarding posting on LinkedIn. I wish you continued success and look forward to staying in touch.
Mark Y,